序号 | 题名 | 责任者 | 出版社 | 出版年 | 文献类型 |
1 | 20,000 leagues under the sea / | by Jules Verne. | Airmont Books, | 1963. | 西文图书 |
2 | A darkness more than night / | Michael Connelly. | Grand Central Publishing, | 2002. | 西文图书 |
3 | A guide to European Union law / Ninth edition. | by P.S.R.F. Mathijsen. | Sweet & Maxwell, | 2007. | 西文图书 |
4 | A history of European integration since 1914 / | Peter M. R. Stirk. | Pinter, | 1996. | 西文图书 |
5 | China-Europe relations : perceptions, policies and prospects / | edited by David Shambaugh, Eberhard Sandschneider and Zhou Hong. | Routledge, | 2008. | 西文图书 |
6 | Chinese and India views of Europe since the crisis : New perspectives from the emerging Asian gia... | Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron. | Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Global Policy Institute, | 2011. | 西文图书 |
7 | Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu. | Christchurch Art Gallery. | Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, | 2015. | 西文图书 |
8 | Comparative regional integration : Europe and beyond / | edited by Finn Laursen. | Ashgate, | 2010. | 西文图书 |
9 | EU law : text, cases, and materials / Third edition. | Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca. | Oxford University Press, | 2003. | 西文图书 |
10 | European integration : methods and economic analysis / 3rd ed. | Jacques Pelkmans. | Financial Times Prentice Hall, | 2006. | 西文图书 |
11 | European Union : consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty Establishin... | European Commission. | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities ; | 1997. | 西文图书 |
12 | European Union foreign policy in a changing world / 2nd ed. | Karen E. Smith. | Polity, | 2008. | 西文图书 |
13 | Full disclosure : a novel / | William Safire. | Ballantine Books, | 1977. | 西文图书 |
14 | Global political economy / | edited by John Ravenhill. | Oxford University Press, | 2005. | 西文图书 |
15 | Global political economy : understanding the international economic order / | Robert Gilpin with the assistance of Jean M. Gilpin. | Princeton University Press, | 2001. | 西文图书 |
16 | Infiltrators / | Mark D. Harrell. | Jove Books, | 1991. | 西文图书 |
17 | International relations : a European perspective / | Mario Telò. | Ashgate, | 2009. | 西文图书 |
18 | Italy: the wonders of culture. | MP Mirabilia Publications, | 西文图书 | ||
19 | Kennedy / [1st ed.] | by Theodore C. Sorensen. | Harper & Row, | [1965] | 西文图书 |
20 | Lipstick jungle / | Candace Bushnell. | Hyperion, | 2005. | 西文图书 |
21 | Lovers & gamblers / | Jackie Collins. | Warner Books : | 1986. | 西文图书 |
22 | Minotaur / | John Farris. | Tom Doherty Associates, | 1985. | 西文图书 |
23 | Napoleon"s pyramids / | William Dietrich. | HarperCollins Pub., | 2008. | 西文图书 |
24 | No comebacks : collected short stories / | Frederick Forsyth. | Corgi, | 1982 | 西文图书 |
25 | Princess Daisy / | Judith Krantz. | Bantam, | 1981. | 西文图书 |
26 | Quest / | Richard Ben Sapir. | New American Library, | 1988. | 西文图书 |
27 | Silent prey / | John Sandford. | Berkley Books, | 1993. | 西文图书 |
28 | Social and Political theory / | Michael S. Kimmel, Charles Stephen = 社会与政治原理 / 迈克尔·基梅尔, 查尔斯·斯蒂芬著. | Peking university press, | 2005. | 西文图书 |
29 | Strong Medicine / | Arthur Hailey. | Doubleday, | 1984. | 西文图书 |
30 | Thank you M. Monnet : essays on the history of European integration / | Richard T. Griffiths. | Leiden University Press, | 2014. | 西文图书 |
31 | The accidental tourist / | Anne Tyler. | Berkley Books, | 1986. | 西文图书 |
32 | The EU in a Changing Global Order : Challenges and Prospects / | issued by Center for China-EU Relations, Fudan University and Shanghai Institute for European Stu... | Center for China-EU Relations, Fudan University, | 2018. | 西文图书 |
33 | The European Union : economics and policies / Eighth edition. | edited by Ali M. El-Agraa. | Cambridge University Press, | 2007. | 西文图书 |
34 | The European Union and China, 1949-2008 : basic documents and commentary / | Francis Snyder. | Hart, | 2009. | 西文图书 |
35 | The first world war : an illustrated history / | by A. J. P. Taylor. | Penguin Books, | 1966. | 西文图书 |
36 | The foreign policy of the European Union / | Stephan Keukeleire and Jennifer MacNaughtan. | Palgrave Macmillan, | 2008. | 西文图书 |
37 | The four winds of heaven / | Monique Raphel High. | Granada, | 1981. | 西文图书 |
38 | The girl who kicked the hornet"s nest / 1st U.S. ed. | by Stieg Larsson ; translated from the Swedish by Reg Keeland. | Alfred A. Knopf, | 2010. | 西文图书 |
39 | The girl who played with fire / | Stieg Larsson ; translated from the Swedish by Reg Keeland. | Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, | 2009. | 西文图书 |
40 | The girl with the dragon tattoo / | Stieg Larsson ; translated from the Swedish by Reg Keeland. | Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, | 2009. | 西文图书 |
41 | The globalization of world politics : an introduction to international relations / Four edition. | John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens. | Oxford University Press, | 2008. | 西文图书 |
42 | The mysterious island / | Jules Verne ; [introduction by Raymond R. Canon]. | Airmont Publishing, | [1965] | 西文图书 |
43 | The story of Britain : from william of orange to world war II / | R. J. Unstead ; Illustrated by Victor Ambrus. | Black, | [1969] | 西文图书 |
44 | Thinking about Europe : Jean Monnet support to European studies / | European Commission. | Publications Office of the European Union, | 2014. | 西文图书 |
45 | Treaties establishing the European Communities (ECSC, EEC, EAEC) : Single European Act : other ba... | [compiled by Commission of the European Communities, Division IX-E-5 "Coordination and Preparatio... | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, | 1987. | 西文图书 |
46 | Treaties establishing the European Communities : Treaties amending these Treaties : Documents con... | [compiled by Commission of the European Communities, Division IX-E-5 "Coordination and Preparatio... | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, | 1978. | 西文图书 |
47 | Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe : adopted by consensus by the European Convention o... | European Convention | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, | 2003. | 西文图书 |
48 | Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe : submitted to the European Council Meeting in Thes... | European Convention | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, | 2003. | 西文图书 |
49 | Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the treaties establishing the European... | European Commission. | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities ; | 1997. | 西文图书 |
50 | Treaty on European Union. | Council of the European Communities. | Office for Official Publications of the European Communities ; | 1992. | 西文图书 |
51 | 被危机绑架的欧洲梦 | 刘丽荣著 | 中国社会科学出版社 | 2017 | 中文图书 |
52 | 藏着的欧洲 | 钱岗南著 | 百花文艺出版社 | 2008 | 中文图书 |
53 | 德国经济治理 | 徐聪著 | 时事出版社 | 2015 | 中文图书 |
54 | 德国文化遗产之旅 | 范毅舜著 | 三联书店 | 2008 | 中文图书 |
55 | 多层治理理论与欧洲一体化 | 朱贵昌著 | 山东大学出版社 | 2009 | 中文图书 |
56 | 法国文化遗产之旅 | 范毅舜著 | 三联书店 | 2008 | 中文图书 |
57 | 国家与超国家:欧洲一体化理论比较研究 | 陈玉刚著 | 上海人民出版社 | 2001 | 中文图书 |
58 | 美与丑:感悟欧洲 | 高巨海著 | 中央编译出版社 | 2008 | 中文图书 |
59 | 欧盟对华政策及中欧关系:经贸层面的观察 | 张永安,杨逢珉著 | 时事出版社 | 2012 | 中文图书 |
60 | 欧盟对外行动署的制度研究 | 王磊著 | 上海人民出版社 | 2015 | 中文图书 |
61 | 欧盟经济发展报告.2008 | 胡荣花主编 | 复旦大学出版社 | 2010 | 中文图书 |
62 | 欧盟经济概论 | 王鹤著 | 中国社会科学出版社 | 2014 | 中文图书 |
63 | 欧元:欧洲货币一体化简介 | Madeleine O. Hosli著 | 重庆大学出版社 | 2011 | 中文图书 |
64 | 欧债危机与欧洲的走向 | 徐明棋主编 | 时事出版社 | 2013 | 中文图书 |
65 | 全球政治经济学:解读国际经济秩序:understanding the international economic order | (美)罗伯特·吉尔平(Robert Gilpin)著 | 上海人民出版社 | 2006 | 中文图书 |
66 | 寻找欧洲:欧洲一体化之魂:[中英文本] | 石坚,易丹主编 | 四川大学出版社 | 2008 | 中文图书 |
67 | 中东欧研究评论.第一辑 | 尚宇红,陈宏编著 | 上海人民出版社 | 2017 | 中文图书 |
68 | 全球竞争新格局下的欧盟困境与未来 | 复旦大学中欧关系研究中心上海欧洲学会 | 不详 | 2018年 | 资料 |
69 | 中国欧盟建交40周年(1975.5.6-2015.5.6) | 中华人民共和国外交部欧洲司 | 世界知识出版社 | 2015年 | 资料 |